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About Amelia

I am a lover of Jesus and everything about Him. I am Tongan  and  I have been married for 9  years to my amazing husband Inangaro (Ina) and he  is Cook Island.  We have 4 beautiful children Roman, Nehemiah, Shiloh and Faith.

I enjoy reading and studying the word of God.

I love sharing my Faith with others and encouraging people especially around the topic of marriage.  I love taking long walks and spending time with my family. I love eating Thai food and enjoy a good NZ

flavoured ice cream. 

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My Story

I came to the Lord in 2012 and I desire  to walk and honour God in everything that I do.

As I mentioned before I have been married for 9 years and over the years I struggled with the term a Godly wife. Like what does that mean? Instead of seeking the Lord I decided to take matters into my own hands and pretty much leaned on my own understanding for majority of the years in my marriage. You see there were parts in my life I had surrendered to the Lord and parts where I wanted to control and do it my way. My marriage was one of those areas I definitely wanted to control. There were so many underlying issues and baggage I had carried into my marriage. 


Everything started to crumble in 2020 when my marriage faced the biggest trial. I experienced infidelity and I soon found myself in a season of separation. This season was life altering and drew me back to seek the Lord in the area of marriage. In such a dark season, this was probably the most fruitful season with my relationship with the Lord. I surrendered myself whole heartedly and focussed on obeying God. I had peace during my separation that with or without my husband I was going to be ok because I had Jesus. 

I knew that even though my husband’s sin was evident there were things that I had to take  ownership and responsibility for.  A marriage doesn’t deteriorate over night. So where did we go wrong? It was evident the more I read Ephesians 4:24:33


'Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.  “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”  This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.


These verses confronted me with truth. That  my marriage looked nothing like it and I was desperate to understand these verses in light of God's plan for a Godly marriage.  So in seeking the Lord it became apparent that He has given us instructions to thrive and strengthen our marriages however the question is are we willing to obey? In a desperate cry for help I was comforted with the truth. I continued to grow in my personal relationship with the Lord. I believed that He was faithful to His word that His plans were for good, not harm and that He would continue to prosper me and my family I just needed to trust Him.


Well in a matter of 4 months a lot had happened I came to a place where I could forgive my husband and now it was a journey of waiting upon the Lord and being a faithful believer, wife and mother. Even though I was separated from my husband I learnt how to grow in the

character, mind and attitude of Christ. 

You see in the past it was all about exercising my  gifts and talents for the Lord however I lacked in growing in the character and the fruit of the spirit. So as the separation progressed my husband and I learnt how to communicate respectfully in co parenting our four children and we started to improve in how we communicated with one and another. In short my husband noticed a change in me that was drawing him back into our marriage. So after 4 months of separation we were now in a season of reconciliation and healing in our marriage. Infidelity was definitely the biggest trial in our marriage and  I had to learn to trust my husband all over again. I was secure in the Lord and I understood that the road to restoring our marriage wasn't going to be easy. However my husband had a genuine and repentant heart and  he worked  intentionally in building  trust again in our marriage with the help of the Lord. We sowed time and effort into our marriage and the marriage we have now is unrecognisable. God took the ashes of our pain and suffering and has given us something beautiful to cultivate and to treasure. I love my husband so much it's funny but it's like we are in our dating days again which keeps things exciting. What has changed the most is our Love and Respect for one another and that is something we have learnt in the word and it's daily application will bring forth fruit. 


In everything I have experienced in my marriage I know God is faithful and His desire for all of us is to thrive and not just survive in marriage. I have learnt  so much and I know that everything I went through does serve a greater purpose. After studying the bible in the area of marriage and being able to understand the role of a husband & wife this had improved my marriage because simply God’s way of doing things works all the time. The word of God doesn’t need to be added to or subtracted from, it simply requires  our obedience.


A scripture that would describe my journey is Romans 8:28

'And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.'


What the enemy meant to destroy my marriage, God is using is for good and for His purpose and Glory. I wouldn't be here without God and I can't deny his faithfulness. This is why His Helpmeet exists to give hope to those who are in the trenches in a season of their marriage. Our story is a testimony of  a couple who built their marriage on sand and now we have a   marriage that is cemented on the Rock who is Jesus Christ. 


Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Don’t hold off in growing in your marriage do something different today, if you have lost hope don't look to your spouse to change everything, change starts with you and God. So look to Jesus and submit to Him today.  I hope my story encourages  you as a wife to fight the Good fight of Faith to not give up in the midst of a battle,  to keep  your eyes fixed on the author and perfecter of our Faith - Jesus , the one who can and will because all things are possible through Him. So decide today that giving up is not an option in your marriage, God can even  use you to be apart of your husband's redemptive story.


Thank you for visiting,  I pray that God will continue to bless and strengthen your covenant of  marriage. 

 With so much Love & prayers,


Amelia Iorangi xx

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